White big head has the heart to help each other, but he sensed that Xia Huang’s adult was also smiling. It was very interesting to watch the lively scene in the hall for a while.

A moment later, Xia Huang raised his hand with satisfaction, and with a wave of his hand, the clear door fluctuated and disappeared. The virtual boundary of this palace was completely separated from the outside world. Familiar with the feeling, enter the Baiyun Tower, and realize that a magic weapon with fierce sunlight shines out […]

This is a word in Lin’s mind, and the brain worm also knows something about the frame number. It refers to the speed at which the eyes change pictures. Generally, creatures such as skeleton dragons can capture more than 30 frames per second, while some insects such as flies can capture more than 500 frames.

And the number of frames that can be captured when the brain worm is in the spirit is … two thousand seven hundred frames! Don’t say it’s the flying speed of Monte II, even the speed at which it flaps its wings can be clearly seen by the brain worm. Although the brain worm usually […]

As soon as I looked around, I saw Xu Er, dressed in a little red coat and robe, grinning at her on the kang and calling out "Xu Er!" Busy let go even fangzhou ran past holding xu son laughed "sister xu son grow so big! You can sit still! I am afraid that my brother-in-law will walk when he comes back after the New Year! "

Redjade, Haitang and other eyelids jumped to see if even Miss Fang Zhou would feel sad if she got up well! Even Fang Zhou’s heart is a little dim, but he has already accepted it with a smile. Don’t say that! I’m looking forward to your brother-in-law coming back soon! " Everyone laughed as he […]

Bai Choufei underestimated Su Mengzhen. At this time, he found that Su Mengzhen’s strength did not drop at all, so he retired. But Bai Choufei thought that he was desperate this time. If he could not leave Su Mengzhen’s life here, he really had no chance to turn over.

Bai Choufei can’t retreat Therefore, after Su Mengzhen killed a group of people, Bai Choufei exchanged hands. Bai Choufei’s martial arts is also a first-class player in the rivers and lakes, but when he faced Su Mengzhen’s dream pillow tea in its heyday, the first knife name was by no means exaggerated. Bai Choufei lost […]