And the number of frames that can be captured when the brain worm is in the spirit is … two thousand seven hundred frames! Don’t say it’s the flying speed of Monte II, even the speed at which it flaps its wings can be clearly seen by the brain worm.
Although the brain worm usually has more than 30 frames at leisure, it is impossible to miss the spirit now
No matter how fast the target is, it’s impossible to hide from the eyes of the worm!
But you can avoid flying dragon’s eyes.
Whoosh!’ Like a flying armor-piercing projectile, Montezuma instantly flew out of the crack and flew into the sky …
Because the dragon is not a brain worm, it directly directs creatures with brain waves. It froze for a while before looking into the sky. Monte II was already on his way to the sea.
"Pursuit!" The brain worm has nothing to say. It orders the dragon to chase it with a wing.
Monte II’s flight is a little unstable because it can only last for a few seconds, and then it will get tired and the flight will become unstable.
Looking at the huge dragon, it is getting closer and closer behind it, and Monte II is fighting back the fatigue and flying forward.
Because of its goal-the sea has appeared in front of it!
"Do you want to escape? You want to leave? Hiding in the abyss of the sea? Your race will have no possibility of rebirth. "
Although the brain bug is not as big as the wheezing bug, it can still reach the hearing organ of Monte II. Monte II didn’t hesitate. It flew faster and the sea flew off the edge of the island!
But at this time, Fei Long has already approached it …
Hoo!’ A high-temperature flame spewed out, and Monte II suddenly felt that a hot fire behind him had passed over its half and at the same time passed over its right wing, making it difficult to continue flying, and Monte II suddenly fell into the sea.
Monte II didn’t float, but directly sank into the deep sea. The head worm was riding a dragon and looking at the water. The head worm was hesitating.
And then …’ dong’
The brainworm jumped into the water by itself!
Its water rolled and moved rapidly, observing the environment in the water, and the sea surface of Feilong was anxiously calling it not to dare to enter the water.
My head is spinning in the worm water, staring around. Because of the collapse of the island, the sea water and a lot of sediment are mixed together, which makes it difficult to see anything around.
"Goo …" The brain worm spins and swims deeper. There are many fish swimming around in the sea, which makes it difficult for the brain worm to distinguish the surrounding situation. It can also see some huge biological shadows in the distance.
The collapse of the island didn’t scare away these monsters in the sea. Instead, they gathered to try to devour some drowning objects, and the head worm was also white. After swimming for a while, it could give up swimming back to the surface, but the head worm could not dive too deep.
Monte II, on the other hand, sank to the bottom of the sea, and now it can’t move because of its tail injury. It lies on the seabed and looks at the muddy sea motionless, not knowing what to think.
But it won’t stop, no matter how miserable the situation is, it still tries to crawl in the muddy water with its forelimbs, and it must find a way out.
What is that?
Monte II suddenly saw a group of strange creatures in front of it. These strange creatures swam in. Their tentacles tied Monte II and pulled it to a trench …
What will be its fate? Brain worms are hard to know.
What brain worms know is that the war is over.
Feilong flew to collapse, and the island looked down at the land with its head worm. Although the deep sand bus in the injured area of Inmont II has stopped its activities, the foundation of the whole island has been destroyed, and the island is still in the process of continuous collapse.
Although the brain worm has caused some small troops to retreat, it is difficult for large troops to collapse and move on the island. If they sink to the bottom of the sea, there is no possibility of living.
Of course, the same is true of Monte II’s troops. Some of them are still keeping their own island, and Monte II can be said to be basically destroyed.
The brain bug flew back to its island on a flying dragon. The troops tried their best to save it, but it was a pity that large arms could sink into the sea …
The first thing the brainworm does when he returns to his island is to rebuild the rocky mountain by the sea so that he can live in a place with sea view again! Although this is what it means most, it means something else …
"Lin Shengli Seascape" rolls around in front of the head worm display in its own rock mountain. Although Monte II has not yet decided to kill it, it seems nothing. It is more excited to win this battle … and continue to live in a place with a sea view.
Lin has been observing the war and just moved from the brain worm to the island, but Lin did not help the brain worm during the period. If it was almost killed, it might help it, but that should be impossible.
This is really an interesting war … and Lin can learn a lot. These two races used to be almost extinct, but now they have developed. In the battle with each other, they try to push each other to extinction again …
Lin originally transported the brain worm to the two islands opposite to the island of Monte II, which are about the same size. Monte II originally wanted to sink the brain worm island directly, but unfortunately, the’ connecting part’ of the two islands is relatively fragile. If the deep sand bus drills through there, it may cause the surrounding area to crack and get into the water before reaching the target. It had to come up with the strategy of sinking its own island and the brain worm’ mutually assured destruction’.
This is also related to the fact that Monte II didn’t see the flying arms of the head worm. Although it has seen the flying dragon several times before, it is not the flying arms of the head worm and has no meaning …
Because the number of troops on both sides is almost the same, it should not be said that the number is the weight. Aztecs swept across the island. After eating the whole island, they could go anywhere. Of course, moss has no energy and does not eat meat. It is very difficult for the troops of this kind of arms to grow any more.