She meditated for a while and said "yes" softly.
Simple word is very heavy.
It’s a hundred times heavier than when Taotao knew that the purgatory door had broken her.
"I promise you," Taotao, his eyes just vanished.
Don’t say He Li bone words just his earth-shattering kneel peach peach all refused to swallow back.
He Li bone is now over 100 years old, saying that he is transparent. There is really nothing he can’t see through and can’t figure out.
But he is old-fashioned, and he does have some
Even now, he doesn’t even use his mobile phone or WeChat, and he doesn’t make anything modern unless necessary.
At the beginning, Hui spent ten years with him, and he kept to the etiquette, and even more, the teacher ordered him to get engaged without asking Feng’s wishes.
But even if he is conservative, he has only knelt twice in his life.
Kneel once in heaven and earth and once in the world.
Taotao originally came to say no, but now she can’t say no again. "I will do my best."
Although the words are simple, Taotao has always kept her promise, and it is not difficult to hear the determination in her words.
He Li bone up slowly bowed to her.
Taotao didn’t dodge her this time. He Li made a pot of green tea. "Grandmaster, I still have questions."
"You said"
"Silent Lord what to kill the spirit division? On my birthday, what are you going to bury me in Mangshan? "
He Li picked up the teacup. "Sixty years ago, I fought with the silent Lord. Do you know what I want to fight with her?"
Taotao shook his head. "I don’t know, but Hangxiang told me that the main body of silence is forbidden and I can’t leave the silent room at will."
"Yes," He Li said, "She didn’t know how to hide her spirit body and forced her to live for 300 years, which is against heaven. Therefore, if she wants to leave the silent world for a while, it may attract the attention of God, and if she is a little careless, it may be eliminated."
"What is God?" Taotao asked, "Is there a fairy in innocence?"
"God is called for the convenience of understanding, not a fairy, but a Tao or an order of heaven and earth."
"It can directly intervene in the world by means of technique and manifestation, because the order of the world collapses. It can maintain order by some methods, such as ordering people to regulate everything beyond the natural rules. Once the silent Lord is found to be powerful, she is in danger of being eliminated."
"Since it is so dangerous to leave the silent hut, why should she force it out?"
"Kill me" He Li bone light way
"But you didn’t have it sixty years ago, and now your influence doesn’t conflict with Silent Liao. Why did she do it?"
A wisp of incense wafted in the room before He Li’s bones, and the smoke covered his wise eyes.
"Silent Liao is not as evil as you think. They are also evil in troubled times, killing evil spirits and killing spiritual teachers in prosperous times."
"What they did to me was not because I had any personal grievances, but because the world was peaceful at that time and prosperous in their eyes. They wanted to silence the spiritual master in my eyes first, and everything the Lord did seemed to be to keep the world in a balance."
Taotao seems to understand.
He Li Bone "When I was forty years old, I had five veins, but I was still not the main opponent of silence. I was seriously injured. She was limited in her posture and killed me. Before she left, she told me that she would come again. Unless I waste my veins or live forever, I will kill everyone around me."
Taotao’s head flashed with wisdom. "So you are not love rat, and that’s why you are separated."
He Li bone "…"
After living for more than a hundred years, I can’t speak very well.
But Tao Tao jumped out of this sentence, which he never thought of.
Taotao also reacted when she finished. She was embarrassed and scratched her head. "I spoke without thinking, sorry grandmaster."
"hinder" He Li bone laughed "your master was like you when he was young"
"You’re right. It’s impossible for me to kill myself. It’s even more impossible for me to stay out of chaos. But she was only twenty years old that year and died in silence with me. It’s not worth it. I drove her away."
"Did the silent Lord come later?"
"No, but it’s not that the silent Lord doesn’t want to kill me, but that she can’t."
"When she fought, I vaguely noticed that she couldn’t completely control her body, just like there are two soul laws in one body that can’t be exerted by endless disputes."
"fifty years later, something happened to the special investigation bureau."
He Li said that fifty years later is ten years ago.
I thought that Yuan Tian had said something to her, "Did the dark spirit master open the yellow tower?"
He Li bone is surprised. "This is a secret in the spiritual world. Do you know?"
"Xiaotian told me."
See He Li’s explanation that "it was Yuan Tian who was Yuan Ling’s younger brother, and he opened the Nine Towers that year".
He Li Gu remembers that he dared to talk to himself in the college. At that time, he felt that his eyes were bright and boyish, but he didn’t expect to be a Yuan family member. "I remember that he was a half-plant spirit pulse lamp but gave him a level rating."
"At that time, many people questioned his grades, but he seemed to know why, but he didn’t say."
"Needless to say, the people of the Inter Bureau wanted him to keep it a secret. Yuan’s family has worked for the Inter Bureau for generations, and his legacy is very strong. The difficulty in Yuan Tian’s cultivation is that the old spiritual masters of the Inter Bureau have banned him from his spiritual power."
Taotao is incredible. "Why would they do that?"
"Compared with ten years ago, the Yellow Nine-Fallen Tower ranked second in the instrument list. It is powerful not only to collect demons, but also to lock the demon tower. Since the establishment of the special investigation bureau, all evil spirits have been collected and deceived by Yuan Jiayou to open the Yellow Nine-Fallen Tower and release evil spirits, which has caused serious consequences."
"He blamed himself for practicing day and night and wanted revenge from his parents."
"Sometimes hatred is the driving force, but it can also fascinate people."
"Yuan Ling doesn’t want him to be blindfolded by hatred, and he doesn’t want him to go out again and again to seek revenge from the dark spiritual master. The old spiritual master of the Special Bureau was invited to seal his brother’s spiritual strength, attributes and past memories. After the emotional seal, his hatred and remorse were blurred, and he could put some things to lead a normal life."
"No wonder Xiaotian once said that his memory of childhood was vague. Since they sealed Xiaotian’s spiritual power, how did he repair half a spiritual pulse?"
"Has that child been practicing very hard?"
"That’s right"
"Although the special agent sealed his spiritual power, the law sealed his talent. He practiced and sealed his strength every day. Too much strength accumulated in his body, and his body could not bear the special agent. He opened half a pulse, which is equivalent to the outlet of strength, to prevent his body from being broken by strength."
"It’s no wonder that Sumeru judged that Xiaotian was a genius. It turned out that he was really not a loser."
"If the physical strength is sealed in the sumeru lamp, it is the law that senses that the level detected by his spiritual strength is due to you."
Taotao pointed to the tip of her nose. "What’s wrong with me?"
"You gave him a lark in Mincheng Lingjiaofang, remember?"
Can’t you remember this?
This peach still owes Chaos Tomb 30 million.
Although she later rang the emperor clock herself, she didn’t dare to touch the idea of breaking the emperor clock and threatening He Li’s bones. Fortunately, He Li’s bones didn’t have that thing.
"At first, you fed him spiritual things, and his injury didn’t improve because those spiritual forces didn’t enter his wound and all of them attacked his body and sealed it. It is possible that the sumeru lamp will detect that his level is heaven."
He Li Bone said, "The seal of the other body is being torn open, and when those spiritual forces are absorbed by him, the seal may not hold up."
"What will happen then?" Taotaowen