Zhang Shuo is waiting for him to continue.
"I wasn’t at the scene that day after the seal, and I heard about Zhang Shuo later. When I heard that Zhang Shuo was sent by Zhong Yan to send calligraphy and painting to Moxiang for mounting on the night of the Zhong family accident, I felt that there was something wrong with the calligraphy and painting because others didn’t know that I knew the first emperor but left a secret message for Zhong Yan. First, I gave the emperor an identity certificate. Second, I felt that the first emperor had always felt ashamed of Chu Ning and wanted to compensate her son."
"So I rushed to Moxiangju overnight, but when I arrived, Moxiangju had been changed, and all the calligraphy and paintings in it were looted and killed. I was even more sure that this calligraphy and painting must have something to do with the secret order of the late emperor. I looked for it among the few calligraphy and paintings left, perhaps because it looked like an ordinary landscape painting and didn’t attract the attention of gangsters, but I was known by Zhong Yan’s friends. Although his handwriting was not inscribed, I recognized it at a glance and took it home."
I heard that devoted to thousands of feathers suddenly let out a cold hum.
"Are you? Doesn’t Shen Xiang know that the government is investigating the case of Moxiangju? Since the court official has appeared at the crime scene, can’t he make a record? "
Shen Meng looked at Mo Qianyu.
Although he has already been held by Feng Ying Mo, he has already died, but he still respectfully nodded at him.
"Back to the emperor, that’s because I think it’s important, I’m afraid of causing any correction, and I can’t find the mystery of calligraphy and painting at the moment, so I dare not rush to Zhang, thinking of finding out the mystery of calligraphy and painting and then telling the emperor."
Devoted to thousands of feathers with a cold face, "Shen Xiangru came here in a hurry and must have found it."
"Yes!" Shen Meng nodded again. "I studied it for a long time and even wondered if I guessed it wrong. It’s really an ordinary calligraphy and painting, but I didn’t give up, and I didn’t give up. Look at the two inscriptions on this painting. What do you think? What do you think is like suggesting that there is something wrong with this painting?"
"Not long ago, I went to the lady’s room to give her some incense burner, and then the calligraphy and painting fell on the incense burner, and the words suddenly appeared on the opposite side of the calligraphy and painting. I found out that the original emperor used a brush dipped in scallion juice to write the imperial edict. After the scallion writing was dry, the white paper looked no different from that before writing, but if you put this written paper on the fire, a white horse would appear brown words."
Shen Meng said as he pulled out a fire from his sleeve and blew it.
Then put it close to the picture, but make sure not to burn the calligraphy and painting at a distance, move it gently and bake it slowly.
A moment later, something really came out.
First one by one, then a few rows, and then a lot of …
At last all the words came out.
As Shen Meng said, the handwriting is brown.
Shen Meng blew the fire extinguisher and lifted the calligraphy and painting again.
The difference is that we just faced the calligraphy and painting side, and this time it was the opposite side.
The face is full of vigorous and powerful characters.
Spread a large surface.
Everyone is sighing.
Everyone stared at it.
Phoenix shadow ink slightly sipped his lips devoted to thousands of feathers and narrowed his eyes.
Zhang Shuo is afraid of misreading every word.
In order to let everyone know what was written, Shen Menglang read it.
Sorry for the late update, children’s papers have been waiting for birds. Forgive me! Yaoyaoda ~ ~ ~
Thank you [Youlan 66] [Night Star Ly13] [33131] Dear Flower ~ ~ Thank you [zhangjin15] [Youcha] [Deep Sea Xiaolan] [Huang Lijuan 58] Dear Monthly Pass ~ ~ ~ Love your group ~ ~ づ 3 ?.
[68] Don’t you come to prepare to go?
Phoenix shadow ink slightly sipped his lips devoted to thousands of feathers and narrowed his eyes.
Zhang Shuo is afraid of misreading every word.
In order to let everyone know what was written in the face, Shen Menglang read it.
"I will give Chu Ning a pulse today, especially to Zhong Yanzhong’s family to raise Zhong Gu, who must regard it as out and cultivate it with all his heart. This secret witness must not have any objection and compensate me for my mother Chu Ning’s debt to me. I also promise that this is the only thing I will do when the time is ripe. Before that, Zhong Gu must keep a secret to ensure that he is an Qin."
Shen Meng fell into silence.
A moment later, there was an uproar.
Everyone was shocked not by the previous reasons, but by-
Only too!
It is no wonder that when the first emperor was in power, his wife’s position was never conferred, and when the first emperor died, Mo Qianyu was also the heir to the throne as a sovereign and emperor.
So if the first emperor knows that he is still alive, or if the first emperor knows that Zhang Shuo is Chu Ning, is it true that there is no devoted to Qianyu?
Everyone is crying.
So now the question is coming.
The dragon chair has a throne and a throne.
Now that the emperor is still alive, the imperial edict of the first emperor is still there
Should Mo Qianyu abdicate to this person?