"Speaking of which, we were not afraid of losing face. Instead, they took away our headquarters." Major General Kagame said with a wry smile, "In order to ensure that our headquarters sent the most important combat battalion to be my escort."
As he spoke, an aide around Major General Kagame sent the envelopes one by one. Major General Kagame invited the giant wolf and they came to his desk to type these envelopes, which contained piles of photos and some shell casings and explosive fragments.
"These are what we found at the scene, which proves that the other side should belong to NATO forces." Major General Kagame looked at the giant wolf and said, "But we can’t judge who they belong to and what they are going to do."
The giant wolf picked up a shell casing and squinted at "55645 NATO caliber but the bullet was specially made"
Said the giant wolf picked it up and sniffed a light way, "The dispensing is different. It should be designed to play this kind of bomb. It is generally equipped with high-level combat troops, so the general combat troops will not be rationed, even high-level combat troops will not be assigned too much."
The leopard picked up the fragment on the table and carefully rubbed it again and again. "Six pieces are the lethal radius of 217 fuze, five pieces are the lethal radius of injury, and of course, this is also a special fragment. Smaller pieces are the practice of causing injury and not seeking fatality, which makes the lethal radius of this Grenade reach 1."
As soon as the expert reaches out, he knows whether there is only a shell and a remnant fragment. The giant wolf and leopard can see a lot of things. For example, these are unique to the US military and equipped with high-level combat troops, so it is self-evident who the opponent is
Major-General Kagame leaned against the chair with a wry smile. "So what will you do if you pick them up?"
"I don’t know," the giant wolf shook his head lightly. "I didn’t know what their war intentions were before I really fought with them. Maybe I didn’t know what their war intentions were unless they showed signs."
Major General Kagame nodded at the smell speech and then looked at the giant wolf and said, "So what are you going to do?"
"Make sure your headquarters is safe first," the giant wolf thought. "You can’t be taken down, or the whole command system will fall into chaos, and your support for the armed forces will be hit. This may be their first priority."
Major General Kagame laughed even more bitterly at the words of the giant wolf. "We have been in chaos, and several groups of people have been assassinated. Now some of our original support forces are no longer obedient and there is a risk of division."
The giant wolf can’t help laughing when he hears it. It’s always like this. It seems that you can’t control him. Naturally, you have to show off in an ostentatious manner, but it’s also very simple to deal with such people
"It’s not difficult to solve this problem. Since others can kill them, let’s tell them that we can kill them too." The giant wolf shrugged his shoulders. "It’s honest to kill a batch of leftovers. We’ve had a lot of experience this time, which can help you clean up these moths."
To tell the truth, Major General Kagame once thought so, but unfortunately, he didn’t have anyone to carry out it. It is definitely impossible and it will have a very bad influence. If he resists Kagame’s troops, it will make other supported armed forces think that Rwanda has no way to take them.
This will worsen the situation, so Kagame can choose to turn a blind eye in Nai, but now the situation is different, the giant wolf, when they come, Kagame can’t do it, so it’s not a problem for them.
"When are you going out?" Kagame asked directly. There is no fact of greeting, and he doesn’t need hypocritical greeting to the giant wolf. They are just here to do things. "Is there anything we can do?"
The giant wolf thought about "the map, the distribution of forces, the composition of the other armed personnel, and the location of the headquarters"
In one breath, the giant wolf gave out a lot of information and needed to get these before he could start work, and he didn’t have to pick up a small armed force leader who was supported. The giant wolf thought that Hou Dacheng could go out to exercise and adapt to a battlefield.
For him and Bao, they are staying here. They want to make sure that Kagame is not killed by others, otherwise they will make a trip in vain.
"Major General Kagame, from now on, we will be responsible for your safety." The giant wolf looked at Kagame lightly. "But we have some requirements. If you agree, we will be responsible for your safety. Otherwise, we can give up execution and do something else."
Kagame nodded to the giant wolf. "You said that if I had the ability, there would be no problem."
"First, your guard will be reorganized, and we will do some simple training. At the same time, we will also make some adjustments in patrol shifts, numbers and weapons." The giant wolf looked at Kagame and said, "We need your advice in this respect."
"This is not a problem" is very acceptable to Kagame. After all, he knows that he is not a professional, even his guard is not a professional. He has to leave professional things to professionals to do. Kagame is very clear about this.
The giant wolf smiled. It seems that Kagame is still quite easy to communicate. "Second, we need some equipment, including some early warning equipment and monitoring equipment, which are not available here. We need to purchase. Then we will give you a list. Please make sure to purchase according to our list. If you can’t get it, let us know that we will get it, but you need to be responsible for the money."
"Er, how much will it cost?" Speaking of money, Kagame hesitated. After all, he didn’t want to spend too much money, mainly because Rwanda really didn’t have much money to spend. This didn’t surprise the giant wolf. He looked at Kagame and said softly, "It depends on what equipment you buy. Our people will accompany you to check and accept the equipment. If the package is calculated, it will cost about 300,000 to 500,000 dollars."
Kagame rubbed his eyebrows lightly and said, "We can’t afford too many friends."
"Of course, you can also get some second-hand stuff," the giant wolf said with a smile. "There are some channels to get it, but the price has to be $200,000. This is the cheapest, but it’s really impossible."
After a pause, the giant wolf looked at Kagame and said, "Don’t let us get mainland currency. Those are all products made in Israel or Russia, but they have been upgraded. Although it’s a little inferior, it’s better than nothing. Even if these things do an early warning to save your life, it’s worth it."
Kagame is still hesitant. After all, Louvain
Segmented reading 26
It’s not a lot of money-let them spend more than 200 thousand dollars, which even he, the major general, finds it difficult to say again. How can this report say that people are threatening my life now? Do you need to pay a sum of money to purchase security equipment?
Kagame felt that he couldn’t fight this report at all. The giant wolf looked at him and said, "Even if you didn’t change a person, you still need this equipment. Otherwise, how serious the consequences will be if the command system is destroyed. I think you know better than me."
Hearing the words of the giant wolf, Kagame gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, but please help me to say in my report the urgency and importance of this equipment. You know I’m not good at it."
"This is no problem." The giant wolf smiled and solved the most important problem.
Chapter three hundred and thirty We are so poor
How poor Rwanda is? Let me tell you a figure. In recent years, the gd of Rwanda is less than two billion dollars. You are not mistaken. The total gd of this country with millions of people is less than two billion. It is very poor. Even if it is so poor, they have to raise a professional army.
In this case, you told them that the general said that it was necessary to start with a set of security equipment with a price of more than 200,000 US dollars. Not to mention that Kagame is a major general, even the President of Rwanda is not so extravagant. It is really regrettable that the country is too poor.
"When the time comes, we can disassemble this equipment and send it to your presidential palace to reassemble it." Looking at Kagame, the giant wolf understands that hundreds of thousands are now less than an action income for many jackals.
But this is indeed a huge sum of money in many small African countries, which is huge enough to make many people crazy, and even the president will be moved by it. Kagame immediately thanked the giant wolf and said, "Thank you for your understanding."
Kagame is really grateful for this understanding of the giant wolf. To tell the truth, he is embarrassed by himself. There is nothing he can do. Rwanda is really poor, which leads to his knowing that his opponent is supported by mercenaries.
Their individual quality and weapons and equipment are certainly not as good as those who want to hire mercenaries, but they can’t afford that price. Although there are also a small number of areas in Rwanda that produce gold, it is really a very small part that they can hire mercenaries.
Since Rwanda is an African country, it is no stranger to mercenaries. They know that the international market is slightly better. Mercenary teams need less than one million dollars at a time. You know, people are fighting with you with their lives.
A good team means that they will have good combat skills, have certain combat skills and have little cooperation from a small team. Of course, if you are looking for that kind of stragglers, then I will say nothing. Freelancers may have strong military qualities, but they can’t actually achieve too good results without team cooperation.
And freelancers are also the lowest cannon fodder in the whole mercenary circle. At best, they are called freelancers. In fact, there is no one to take in ghosts and ghosts, no logistical support, and no teammates to assist in the battle. There are very few things that have been joined by small mercenaries or dug up by large ones.
If you want to make quick money and big money, you will stay in the mercenary circle, either join a team or organize a team, and those who strive for stability will enter the enterprise. After all, the risk is relatively small, and although the income is less than that of mercenaries, it is better than stability, and you are not worried about not receiving money.
If you ask why Rwanda doesn’t invite large-scale companies, it’s still the word "no money, don’t be cheap". People also want to assess your risk and give you a price. Don’t expect them to be stupid and send experts to help without looking at your fun and paying a price of 100 thousand. That’s because you think too much.
Moreover, large bases have their own intelligence channels to learn that Americans, Belgians and French are involved, and they are definitely not willing to get involved. Even if they want to come in, they will send secret forces to help the big countries bully the small countries.
I chatted with Major General Kagame about some details, and the giant wolf politely took Hou Dasheng and they left. Kagame personally sent them to the barracks to show respect, and the giant wolf really deserves Kagame’s courtesy. On the one hand, what is it?
This camp was built in a ravine, and the location was very good. At this time, the giant wolf and Hou Dasheng looked around and nodded their heads. The Rwandan army dared not say what surprises they would get, but at least this camp was well-established, and all commanding heights and dead ends were specially guarded and patrolled.
All the fulcrums are also matched with reasonable light and heavy firepower. Once someone invades, these intersecting firepower points will give the invader an unforgettable memory. This is probably the reason why the other party has never launched an attack on the Kagame command post. First, they must have been evaluated and thought the risk was too great.
That’s why I chose to attack the leaders of the armed forces. After all, it’s all possible to let Rwanda control the disintegration of the armed forces. So what must take high risks to deal with Kagame? If it fails, it’s hard to explain if I pay the casualties.
The four-handed men can’t hold the wolves with their fists, and now Kagame has an elite garrison around him, which makes the attack risk even worse, so it’s normal for the giant wolf to think that they didn’t move, because if it were a giant wolf, he would choose the same thing.
Compared with the few well-trained Rwandan troops with many years of actual combat experience, those new armed forces are easier to deal with, and their departments are still in chaos. They can just blend in and kill their leaders and then evacuate, but it takes only a few more actions to achieve the same goal.
Kagame was very efficient. When the giant wolf took Hou Dasheng and them into the residence arranged for them, the rebel information was sent to the file bag, which contained maps, rebel force distribution maps, leader information, weapons and equipment and combat capability analysis.
"Johnny, Archie and Larkin kill these three guys first." The giant wolf looked at the information page after page, but after a few minutes, he took out three photos and threw them to Hou Dasheng. It doesn’t matter who he killed. It is important to let those guys who are eager to move know that Rwanda has the strength to kill them.
If you kill a few people, those people will die. The giant wolf is very familiar with this situation. This is the normal state in Africa. Don’t expect them to have much backbone and so-called dignity. These people are vultures. They like to eat carrion. Once you are found alive, you can eat him.
Then he will become more honest in an instant. Hou Dasheng pulled a photo but didn’t say anything. He took the information and looked at it.
"There is no problem in two days, right?" The giant wolf asked Hou Dacheng at this time, sweeping a piece of information. "There should be no problem. Tonight I will set out for a hard day before noon to see if I can finish it."
The giant wolf nodded. "Don’t worry too much. Pay attention to Ann. This area is active, but it’s not just us. If we encounter something, don’t recklessly withdraw. Besides, we are already on our way, and we have to purchase a batch of weapons. Now there are definitely not enough weapons here in Rwanda."
Hou Dasheng agrees with this sentence of the giant wolf. When Hou Dasheng saw that these guys were old Russian rifles with a small amount of 16 at most, but they were all outdated models. You have to know that this is still the elite troops of Rwanda. You can imagine what other troops will be like.
Of course, jackals don’t spend their own money to arm Rwandan troops, because it has nothing to do with them. This is an early stage to come and play outpost cranes and give evaluation suggestions. Naturally, they want to pay for mines here. benoit’s money is only nine Niu Yi hairs for benoit.
In fact, the crane doesn’t require much. The jackal found a few arms dealers active in Africa, and it was settled. Together, it was less than one million dollars, and in exchange for a pile of pounds, it was used. Of course, it also included a batch of ammunition that was almost expired.