He Xiongjie turned several times around Corleone and found that nothing was missing from Corleone’s body. He said grumpily, "If they had a way, they would have made moves early. Tell you this thing is really strange. Tell you, I don’t know where to run out of a strange monster and swallow this Lei Yun in one gulp …"
Swallow Lei Yun in one gulp?
Corleone’s face has a strange look. It’s just taken a long time to swallow these thunderclouds. Is it okay that there is still some indigestion in the sea of knowledge in Lei Shou? You can’t swallow it in one bite!
Chapter six hundred and seventeen The sea beast struck
After several days of terror, Fengyun rarely ushered in two good news.
The best news is that Lei Yun was actually dispersed, which is simply to remove a hay cutter that hangs everyone’s head.
Another good news is that there was no monk tragedy last night, and no monk died all night.
It seems that overnight, the Fengyun ushered in a big change, and there is a feeling of bad luck.
He Xiongjie’s face reappeared with a smile and he was no longer nervous.
Even Ruan Jia Sanjie’s face is no longer dismayed.
The situation has not developed in the direction of bad baldness.
Compared with his brother Sun Hao, his heart is much whiter.
The situation is still bad. Last night was just an accident.
It’s hard to say what will happen in the future when the opponent finds the wrong person.
Although Sun Hao escaped two different strange attacks, Sun Hao still failed to find the source of the attack.
Who cast the strange occult sciences? What purpose did you cast from the place? Sun Hao is still a fine income.
Sun Hao, the source of the crisis, feels that the situation is not optimistic.
And what puzzled Sun Hao was that there were two attacks before and after last night. The ghost in front of Sun Hao was a wave and the strange red light behind him was another wave.
Judging from the two waves of offensive situation, it should not be the same.
That is to say, Fengyun is really a bad time. At least there are two teams of enemies in the dark at the same time, as if scrambling to harvest the life of Friar Fengyun.
Sun Hao is very suspicious that one of the attacks comes from Ying Xuanhu, but he feels a little different from Sun Hao, who has been observing Ying Xuanhu and keeping a close eye on his movements.
However, Ying Xuanhu has been acting normally without any change. When no one is around, Ying Xuanhu will occasionally have a flash of hatred in his eyes and a flash of expectation, but other than that, he has not made any extraordinary substantive moves.
Ghost or red light should not be written by xuanhu.
I didn’t expect to meet so many things when I joined a seagoing ship casually. Sun Hao felt quite kooky. He just wanted to go out to sea with Fengyun and learn some marine skills, but he didn’t want to get involved in any whirlpool.
Things can’t be controlled unless Sun Hao leaves the ship and goes into the vast sea, otherwise it will be difficult to get out.
A boat full of Buddhist monks, especially his roommate, He Xiongjie, has aroused Sun Hao’s pity for both sides. On which side, these Buddhist monks are regarded as pig pens to raise and harvest. Sun Hao hopes to rescue them as much as possible if he has the ability.
If these monks are all born in Qingyun Harbor, they can be regarded as affiliated forces of Qingyun Gate. The monks stationed in Qingyun Harbor, especially Sun Hao, are responsible and righteous. They must protect them.
In the presence of Qingyun Port, it is often awarded to investigate the death of Godsworn Koo, and some of them are completed by Godsworn Qingyun Gate. The contribution is not low.
Fengyun was actually stared at and met such a strange means. Sun Hao had no reason to be immune to it.
Sun Hao also wants to see who dares to run wild in Qingyun Gate.
Of course, the source of the attack was not found, and it was not the time when Sun Hao exposed his identity and suddenly attacked.
Sun Hao intends to secretly observe and find out what happened, and then kill and find out the guy who is secretly cheating and save Friar Tsukiji from Fengyun.
He Xiongjie was not as nervous as he was a few days ago, and he didn’t go out again. It was very rare to meditate in the room for a night.
The next day, Fengyun suffered another tragedy.
Four monks died in one night.
The way of death is still very strange. Two people are transient and the other two bones are old.
Fear spread again.
In the following days, the situation continued to deteriorate, and six other monks died in vain.
The Fengyun is in a state of panic.
The deterioration of the situation finally attracted the attention of the two monks of Fengyun.
Fengyun stopped the sea, and the five real people then appeared in order and sat in Fengyun in five directions.
Lei Yun dispersed Fengyun, without the worry of berthing in the sea to fight against the enemy.
The huge storm is lying across the sea.
Then the situation of sitting in the town finally eased, and the phenomenon that the monks of Tsukiji fell one after another was finally stopped.
But at the same time, there are many shadows in the waters around Fengyun, a huge sea animal community, and thousands of sea animals gather around Fengyun to surround Fengyun.
Sea animals come from all directions, gathering more and more, and the number is frightening.
As far as the eye can see from the distant sea, the sun shines in the waves, and the war is imminent.
Deck Fengyun’s brother is waiting for the battle.
Temporary recruitment of monks, together with Sun Hao and more than 20 monks, seems to be flustered, with many decks at a loss and a few at a loss.
Yu didn’t want to call everyone up and said with awe, "You are sailing in the same sea, and there is not much war in the killing place. The old warship Fengyun will not let the new recruits die, but you have to go through the battlefield baptism. According to the usual practice, you can form a war by yourself and prepare for the battle at any time. You will also enter the arena in three days at most."
He Xiongjie’s ears are red, and he doesn’t want to say that the words sound just fell and he has said excitedly, "It is better to do a vigorous battle than to do his empress with fear and death."
He’s been holding back for more than once these days, and Sun Hao’s ear nagged that he didn’t want to die in vain, and the sea said that he would get a cushion if he died, which would be the first to jump out and make a statement.
We are all brothers with success in Tsukiji, and we are not afraid of fighting with swords and guns, but we are really frightened and plot against He Xiongjie, but we have spoken our minds.
After He Xiongjie spoke, he temporarily recruited monks to restore some morale.
Yu doesn’t want to smile and nod and say, "Please raise your hand, Master of Secondary Array."
Three or four monks held up their hands and didn’t hesitate. Sun Hao also raised his right hand.
"Well, there are five secondary array wizards." I don’t want to nod my head. "You five team captains and four people from each team are free to combine and cooperate with each other. It is best to combine wars to enhance self-protection ability."
"Little Hao didn’t expect you to be a second-class war mage." He Xiongjie beat Sun Hao’s shoulder, but before Sun Hao spoke, he shouted, "Old Lao Li should come here, come here, let’s go in groups of four."
Should xuanhu smiled came along.
Lao Li’s name is Li Yuncong, and his middle-aged square face is unsmiling, so he doesn’t look angry, but Wei Xiu isn’t low. In the later period of Zhu Ji, he also played several times with Sun Hao, and after hearing He Xiongjie’s call, he also nodded and walked over.
Ruan Rulong, the eldest brother of Ruan Sanjie, is also an array mage, and recruited a monk in the later period of the foundation to form a team.
Five free combination teams quickly took shape.
I don’t want to explain a few more words to let everyone go back to the bottom to practice the array and ask everyone to listen to the order at any time and then prepare for the war.