Many horse monkeys gave a burst of laughter.
"You don’t know me?"
Sue ink eyes turned to look at Ma Xuan eyebrows slightly.
"Ha ha ha ha!"
Ma Xuanzheng immediately burst into laughter as if hearing the funniest thing in the world and said with a smile, "What’s your name? Tell everyone how famous you are!"
Many horse monkeys followed suit.
After Su Mo himself appeared, someone in the blood ape world would definitely recognize him.
After all, in those days, 3,000 true spirits were strong, and many kings gathered in Fengjie. One person killed more than 20 true spirits in the battlefield of evil spirits, which shocked the world!
But now it’s obvious that people recognize him.
"No wonder no wonder …"
Su Mo turned to white soon.
In those days, there was no blood in Fengtian, and the ape world was really spiritual.
The horse and monkey will be monitored by the blood apes, and the blood apes have not gone to Fengtian to enter the battlefield of evil spirits. Naturally, no one has seen Su Mo.
"My name is Su Mo"
Sue ink also smiled.
Ma Xuan exaggerated and exclaimed, "It’s really thunderous!"
Then he looked around and asked, "Who has heard of this man named Sumo?"
Don’t say it’s a group of horse monkeys. Even the blood apes look at each other.
The six kings sitting in the high places looked at each other blankly.
The name is really strange. They have never heard of it, let alone his people.
"Ha ha!"
Ma Xuan looked around and sneered, "It’s a pity that no one has heard your name."
Paused Ma Xuan put away his smile and stared at Su Mo’s face and said slowly, "Besides, you may not understand the situation."
"Well … to put it simply … you’re going to die"
Before his voice fell, he suddenly danced, and Changge stabbed Su Mo alongside of.seem with great speed!
Su Mo suddenly stretched out his hand to hold the long ge when it was about to stab Su Mo in the face!
Ma Xuan consciously wanted to turn Changge and smash Su Mo’s palm, only to find that he was unable to move when Lingbao fell into Su Mo’s hand!
Before he could react, he heard a soup in his ear.
See Su Mo’s palm suddenly exert force to break his life Lingbao!
This long pole is a treasure of nine robberies of pure Yang.
Now it is folded in two by this seemingly weak man with his bare hands!
"You …"
Ma Xuan’s face changed greatly
Su Mo backhand throw hand interrupt GeJin shot out!
"Yin and Yang!"
Ma Xuan’s reaction is extremely fast, and the blood vessels directly burst into magical powers!
There is a saying that the red horse monkey knows Yin and Yang in one vein, and he is naturally close to Yin and Yang Daoism.
Su Mo doesn’t flash or avoid the dark left eye and the white right eye, devouring the opposite yin and yang forces crazily.
It is by virtue of the candle in the eyes and the faint glow that the Yin and Yang poles are dissolved in shape.
Seeing this scene, Ma Xuan looked frightened and scared out of his wits.
Where has he seen such a ghostly means?
The yin and yang poles were dissolved, and the brother drove straight into the instant hole and pierced his chest!
Blood gushes!