Two people also have some instability.
If they continue to retreat, they will definitely be washed away by the river.
After the two zombies got into the water, their action speed was slightly slower than when they landed, and they were seriously unstable.
But even so, they brought all the fear to Yang Bing and Luo Shijun.
Luo Shijun hid behind Yang Bing and shouted "Don’t come, don’t come."
However, these zombies ignored Luo Shijun’s roar and kept approaching two people.
The outstretched claws are like death hooks, and they are constantly approaching two people, and they are about to catch them.
At this time, Lin Ying Liu Yezhou is still some distance away from the two people, but she wants to save them, but her heart is full of strength and lack of strength.
Chapter 155 Double play
Two zombies pounced on Yang Bing and Luo Shijun, but the two of them had to retreat.
Lin Ying is still a long way from the two of them, and she will not come to the rescue.
At this time, Luo Shijun made a very unexpected move, which directly made Lin Ying almost turn Liu Yezhou over.
See Luo Shijun zombie came zombies directly to his front Yang Bing pushed out.
Came to the two zombies.
Yang Bing dreamed that he would be pushed out and screamed in despair.
Two zombies see being pushed to their Yang Bing also issued an excited call and then stretched out his claws to catch the past.
Lin Ying looked at the zombie Yang Bing and lamented a "finished" in his heart
Lin Ying left the hospital with Luo Shijun and Yang Bing. That’s because Yang Bing is a doctor. He wants to woo Yang Bing to be a 319 doctor.
Otherwise Lin Ying would never take Luo Shijun.
Although Luo Shijun was the general manager of the automobile factory and the leader directly under Lin Ying before the end of the world, he used to be so arrogant that Lin Ying wanted to kick him to death.
He can stand Luo Shijun until now by watching Yang Bingmian.
Now Luo Shijun pushed Yang Bing to a zombie in front of Lin Ying, which made Lin Ying kill her heart.
Lin Ying couldn’t look at the two flying knives and directly kill Luo Shijun. By the way, he also killed the two zombies.
But this is impossible.
However, when Lin Ying and Yang Bing died, the scene changed suddenly.
Yang Bing was pushed out by Luo Shijun. She was also desperate and danced directly to avoid the bright zombies.
But I don’t know if she still has that stone in her hand.
In her panic, she directly hit a zombie forehead with a stone, giving each other a big skylight on their forehead.
The zombie who was hit by Yang Bing also simply fell flat to Yang Bing without saying anything after being hit
Yang Bing was directly overturned in the water by a zombie.
Also at this time, another zombie jumped on a result and was stumbled by Yang Bing and zombies, and fell flat into the water.
Yang Bing’s position is almost deep in the knee zombie water, and he struggles to get up, but he can’t get up all the time
The zombie fluttered in the water, but there was no way.
Yang Bing struggled in the water for a few times and then got up at once.
Looking at the zombie in front of him and the stone in his hand, Yang Bing instantly burst into tears.
Then Yang Bing doesn’t know where he got the courage to run to the zombie who threw himself into the water with a stone, and then he slammed it.
Yang Bing screamed "ahhh" while smashing it.
Yang Bing smashed a few, and the zombie lost power and floated in the water directly.
Luo Shijun saw Yang Bing kill two zombies and looked at Yang Bing in the water.
Yang Bing smashed the zombie’s head and then slowly woke up and couldn’t help shivering.
At this time, Lin Ying hung that heart and instantly fell to the ground, and then hurriedly put Liu Yezhou in front of Yang Bing and Luo Shijun
Lin Ying shouted "Come quickly" to the two people who were still in a daze.
Looking at the willow boat Yang Bing who suddenly appeared in front of him, he immediately reacted, and then he got out of the boat with his hands on the side of the boat.
At this time, Luo Shijun also reacted and shouted, "Take me with me and don’t lose me."
With that, Luo Shijun grabbed the ship’s rail and arched the willow boat.
Luo Shijun’s drill almost capsized Lin Ying’s boat.
Lin Ying raised the bamboo pole and stuck it in the bottom of the water so that the boat could bear it and didn’t turn over.
Lin Ying roared at Luo Shijun: "Luo Shijun, do you want us all to feed the king with water? Don’t give me up quickly. "
All I could do was watch Luo Shijun capsize because I wanted to stabilize the boat and prevent it from capsizing.
Luo Shijun got off the boat, and the whole willow boat sank obviously, and then Lin Ying’s side system tilted high.
Lin Ying feet dint shout a whole body feel gone with the wind to split.
Then Lin Ying stamped her foot and the bow was forcefully trampled by him.
As soon as Luo Shijun turned into Liu Yezhou, he lay down directly and dared not move again.
Lin Ying didn’t catch Luo Shijun again, but let the boat go to the opposite side.
As soon as the boat docked, Lin Ying shouted at Luo Shijun, "Go and pay attention to the alert and don’t let zombies near you again."
Yang Bing immediately jumped from the boat and left Luo Shijun lying inside.
Lin Ying raised his bamboo pole and hit Luo Shijun.