Rao Xin gave a quick laugh. "What about writing a novel?"
The "teacher" seems to be a little surprised and turns to ask several middle-aged people who are talking on the other side of the table, "May I ask what you do?"
"I’m a toy factory," said a man in a suit, pointing to two other people beside him. "One of them is an engineer and the other is a scientist."
"scientists?" Rao Xin paid attention to the face of the so-called scientist.
The man was embarrassed to wave his hand, "It’s not home but doing scientific research."
Rao Xin was interested and asked, "Which field?"
"Nuclear physics" means "You go on, you go on"
"You are a scientist for you? We were all joking just now, "said the toy factory." This consultation meeting is getting more and more mysterious. Everything is done in all walks of life … What do you think they will ask us for advice? "
"People give money and answer whatever they ask."
The nuclear physics expert coughed and added a little "don’t involve state secrets"
"Oh, what state secrets can we have to reveal a small factory? Do you think this gadget can also be a state secret?" The toy factory took something the size of a palm out of his pocket. Rao Xin’s eyesight could not be seen clearly, but it looked like a bird with a plate on its face. He pressed a plate, and the bird fluttered in one wing, suspended like taking off, and then fell back to the ground.
Rao Xin looked at the bird and asked, "Magnetic levitation?"
"It’s almost a magnetic levitation with a pool inside."
People continue to come to the scene. At first glance, there are more than a dozen successors in the whole scene, just like Rao Xin. They are a little restrained when they come in, but after listening to a few words, they join the conversation. Among them, their careers are more complicated. There are technicians from white-collar steel mills in big companies and fighter pilots. Finally, the most surprising thing is that this company has invited astronauts-he is all news. Rao Xin and the astronaut named Meng recognized him at a glance when he first came in.
It turns out that everyone is still a little curious, but now they are all a little eager. Judging from this situation, they will not be surprised to let them meet aliens on behalf of the country. What will this company be?
At the meeting, it was 9: 30 at 9: 20, when Shen Changwen walked into the company, and then Yan Yan and Chen She invited everyone to enter the meeting room. There were 16 people and four people in the company, a total of 20 people. The meeting room here was not small. When so many people were seated, the room became narrow, and everyone moved their seats several times before they barely sat down.
Shen Changwen personally presided over the meeting.
The draft is a search and rescue team. He has read it twice before, and there are some technical points that the document Yu Qing is distributing specific things to everyone according to the head. When it is sent to everyone, he will say, "Confidentiality cannot be changed."
When Rao Xin got the manuscript, he was embarrassed and asked, "Excuse me, did you bring your glasses? Could you type it a little bigger? I can’t see clearly. "
The girl who sent the document nodded at him. "Then wait a moment. I’ll print the font for you later." After that, the other party returned and wrote him a few. He pointed out that one could see the other party clearly and left.
Shen Changwen announced the meeting.
"Well, the confidentiality agreement for a confidential meeting in this conference room hasn’t been typed yet. After the meeting, everyone can sign it again. If there is any doubt, we can go to see the contract now. If there is no doubt, the meeting will be held now."
Everyone looked at each other. No one spoke. Rao Xin had read the confidentiality contract before. Of course, he wouldn’t have any questions, just like the toy factory said that the other party had given money and asked you to say a few words about confidentiality. Of course, confidentiality can be required.
"This meeting is a one-to-many meeting. The meeting will mainly be divided into several topics. Each topic will be discussed by your team. When discussing an issue, it will take about ten minutes. Everyone in your hand file had better ask and answer according to the rules."
"Members of the same topic group can look at each other’s team members’ documents. Everyone knows what fields his members are good at. Um … I’ll talk about the discussant on topic No.1, and I’ll just say the name. I hope it won’t offend everyone, Leng Gang and Qian …"
Shen Changwen read four names, and the four men got up and then exchanged places with others. They exchanged papers with each other and read them, and then the novel began to talk.
The second group soon came out of Rao Xin. When he saw that the toy factory and the astronauts were assigned to a group, he was not a little curious-what topic would make these two fields cross?
Rao Xin’s name appeared in the third group, and there was the nuclear physics expert in one group, and there were three others who didn’t know their identities, but Rao Xin knew them half a minute later. They were linguistics professors, programmers, and battalion-level sergeant.
Rao Xin’s document hasn’t been sent yet. He can make a brief introduction: "I wrote two science fiction novels before writing a novel, both of which are related to aliens. This is probably the reason why I came here." Rao Xin’s document hasn’t arrived, but he still knows their No.3 topic "Deducing the possible process of force game between the two sides when this article conflicts with the existing force of the earth according to the data."
At this time, the girl just sent Rao Xin his documents. He quickly turned to the back and saw a close-up of the interrupted text description sketch.
Rao Xin was addicted to it after reading a paragraph, and several people around him were fascinated.
Five minutes later, Rao Xin finished reading his file, and most of the information described the peripheral state of the layout of each functional area in a middle school. After the programmer gently touched Rao Xinran, he signaled them to change the file, and Rao Xinxin accepted it.
The information in the programmer’s hand is not so simple. It’s a long piece of digital code. Rao Xin came into contact with some programming knowledge in college and didn’t understand what these codes meant. After flipping through them a few times to make sure that he couldn’t understand them, he exchanged the code with the linguistics professor.
The information in that professor’s hand is even more fantastic. If the code is still in English at least, he can understand some words, then what the professor has in his hand looks like the root is the end of the day, which is a large section of strange symbols. I don’t know which language of the earth or which grave archaeology was dug up from. These languages have been simply drawn by the professor. Many circles and lines look like some marks.
13 Force Assessment and Social Formation Deduction