"Have you noticed that the Great God is counting on you! !”
In front of the ink night, I turned back and stopped thinking. Nie Shuang shouted this shout and let Nie Shuang’s mind return to the front-
"Okay, give it to me!" Smiling, he responded with a pair of Nie’s clenched wands, followed by Jill and Dina, followed by Caroline, and rushed towards the mobs around the magic source …
With tactical arrangements, the general assistant can barely get through the level and equipment standards, but the overall difficulty of the house assistant is not great, and among them, Nie Shuang, the bug-level "queen summoner", has raised the combat effectiveness by several grades.
There are many mobs in the hall, and these mobs are handed over to Nie Shuang, who is responsible for cleaning them up. This is why he can’t bring them to four people in midsummer and light years. They are definitely not equipped. Nie Shuang’s career makes him capable of handling four people’s affairs, fighting, herding, not a few, and adding a summoner who can play stars is not strong.
"Delina is strange!"
Nie Shuang drank lightly and gave the order to pull the monster to the tank. Delina has completed the evolution. Her level has been upgraded and her attributes have been strengthened. In the face of the siege of mechanical monsters, Nie Shuang’s "holy pet" auxiliary treatment can withstand it. Speaking of it, Delina has evolved, which means Nie Shuang can talk to this little girl whose height is up to his chest …
But Nie Shuang doesn’t want to yet.
It’s not that I don’t want to try the taste of legitimate loli, but that Lolo has made him feel less happy in the game. Although the three Empresses April, Caroline and Bridget begged and teased him, he would still lift their skirts and shoot them directly …
Well, I think too much again …
Thoughts turned to the scene. After receiving the order, Delina ran around the magic source like "heart" and gave a spear to the mechanical guards one by one, pulling all the hatred of the mechanical guards behind her and running towards Nie Shuang. Naturally, she followed the angry mechanical guards behind her …
"But … hateful invaders! Hey-confirm the goal! "
"Lock! Lock! Lock! "
"Invaders die! !”
The stiff body is walking slowly towards this side, and the weapon should be lifted. It’s really terrible to lift the chamber. Nie Shuang smiled at the corners of her mouth and turned to look at the four-person avenue in midsummer. "It can be started!"
Here we go!
In midsummer, the four people received a response, but they also took action. Yemo night blessed the priest to open the sky and give the state skills. The whole body shone with gold and white light and rushed to the mechanical three-headed dog. In front of Gretel, the big sword was raised-
"David tang! !”
Metal-to-metal collision made a harsh sound.
After being attacked, Gretel was also instantly awake, and his eyes widened and his pupils contracted. At the moment, the situation in front of him was white, and his limbs stood up and stretched his body directly. When he got up and moved, he also stirred up a huge energy to form a shock wave, which would fly out in front of him and roll on the ground several times before he got up in a mess …
"Wait for me to stabilize hatred! !”
Yemo Night’s eyes are locked, and Gretel drinks and rushes towards Gretel … This three-headed dog is as big as an elephant. Yemo Night can attack his thigh, belly or higher teeth with every knife, but it doesn’t affect his defense skills, and it also loses blood when he hits his asshole.
The metal skin of the blade stirs up a series of sounds, and it keeps jumping out. At night, when you grasp it, you will output your weak damage, and at the same time, you will continue to use your skills to increase the hate value and stabilize the hatred on yourself.
Gretel is not a chihuahua or a dachshund, but a super guy guarding the gates of hell in the myth of a three-headed dog. How can he not resist such an attack and not teach each other a lesson?
Immediately, the front legs pressed their heads down, and the left and right mechanical heads roared and barked. The head was full of maw and black engine oil was dripping. This move and offensive was enough to scare the timid little girl!
Yemo night is a pure man. How can you be scared off? Although his face was instantly pale and he lost his color, his good professionalism still made him, a shield warrior, hold up a big shield and hide his body behind it. After that, his right leg retreated and his center of gravity shifted to meet Gladys attack-
"When! ! !”
Gretel’s head is half full of ink at night, and his mouth is full of lubricating oil and rotten metal. The sharp metal teeth on his head directly bite the jaws on the left and right sides of Yemo night, and he constantly tries to bite something that makes him angry and annoying.
But that’s impossible.
How can a player’s shield be directly bitten by a monster? Unless you kill him with one blow, the player can stay safely behind the shield, causing damage. At this time, it is such a purple suit. The Gretel method directly kills him, but bites him. After the shield causes some damage, there is no more follow-up …
In this situation, hatred is stable
Yemo night nodded slightly, pulled out his right hand and took out a big sword force to give an attack on Gretel’s teeth, watching Gretel’s head float with the number of injuries back to the road.
"Start fighting! !”
The other three people moved immediately after they were finally inspired by Yemo Night-after the light of the ice-dancing July Song staff flashed for a while, the white and blue ice and snow covered Gretel’s body, making it move slowly as if time had slowed down; The holy priest opened six roads to heaven and gently turned the green in his hand, which made his heart warm. The light flowed out along the holy road, and after several rounds of transit, it fell to Yemo’s body and healed his injury. Heavy artillery destroyer reverse feather gun soul hands in a smoke ling is pulled out a huge weapon boomed forward spewing out the bright laser …
I have to say, four people cooperate very well.
"Don’t you see that the Great God will kill bss after cleaning up the mobs? You can’t output the highest. If you are in trouble, call July for help!" "Ink night smoke toward Nie Shuang shouted.
Nie Shuang naturally nodded and replied, "White Horse Solved!" And then seriously into the battle … To be continued.
Chapter 71 Closed magic source (third more) 【 read
The battle is going on in an orderly way.
"Baa, ha, ha, the little dog ate my popsicle attack! !” In the rear, I laughed at my voice, waving my staff like a follow-up car. The magic of white ice and snow is to roar at the front, and Gretel smashed and splashed with shining ice chips
Nie Shuang took his wife’s army to join the "crusade against Gretel" war after cleaning up a group of mechanical guards alone. Jill and Caroline exported injuries and blessed him, which made him join the battle against bss later, but nothing was more than the real vp of the mage’s singing in July and heavy artillery’s anti-feather gun soul.
At first, Gretel was able to pose some threats to the five-man team by relying on his skills and unknown attacks, but every time he made an attack, the second attack was greatly discounted and did not cause much damage-
I can’t help it. Players are not mobsters, but they respond quickly.
Gretel’s dog robot pounces and bites, which are both necessary skills. Gretel’s flying distance is slightly shorter, and it may be difficult to fly with three heads, so it is difficult to fly top-heavy, so its flying target is the tanks in front, such as Yemo Night, such as Dina.
Jumping will knock down the target and reduce the target’s defense attribute by 15%. At the same time, receiving a Gretel bite attack will make the target bleed more than it is disgusting.
Biting belongs to an enhanced normal attack, and tearing the target armor vigorously causes extra damage and may start bleeding.
These two skills are nothing to Nie Shuang’s five people. It’s easy to have milk and honesty, but other skills of Gretel will cause a little trouble, such as-
Gretel’s inferno
Suddenly, before all, Fengler suddenly jumped out of the tank, and Dina tied up and retreated to the corner of the hall. The dog’s head held high and opened its mouth toward the top of the hall. Luxuriant energy was gestating …
This is that prelude to "Gretel’s inferno".
"Close together! !”
At the sight of Gretel moving the ink night, he also quickly commanded to get up. The big sword moved forward and drank lightly in the mouth, indicating that everyone was close to him. They had been psychologically prepared and did not hesitate to quickly gather together towards him.
Stay close to everyone in the team, and the holy priest will open the sky and shout, "Are you all right? I’m ready to open my skills."
People should be sure of their intentions
St. Hold on to the left hand and open the sky before six eyes are locked. Fengler is paying close attention to bss attack. This skill is not the first time to deal with it. It’s not nervous to ask everyone to follow the tactics, so there will be no problem-
"roar! !”
Suddenly Gretel’s remaining two heads roared-although he is a dog, his bark is more like that of another kind of beast. It’s scary.
After the roar, the red light is so strong that it is like a small sun, and the light suddenly shoots from the dog’s head.
"whew! ! !”
The speed of the light mass is like a flash, which hits the masonry at the top of the hall, and then bursts like fireworks, and the little light mass falls towards the ground.
When I touched the ground, it was instantly ignited. Some wet ground was ablaze, and the flames flickered up and screamed …
Gelai Hellfire is a trick, ae spell skill can cause ae flame damage to all enemies in a certain range, but at this time, the area where the magic source occurs is not too large, so directly Gengler’s trick becomes almost a "map" skill, which makes Nie Shuang five people hide.
You can’t hide, you can carry it hard
"Recovery rain! !”