Why is it so late …
She doesn’t want this face that doesn’t belong to her! Even if you die, you have to tear off your mask and die proudly. Even if you don’t like it, it still belongs to her face-
Duan Xiaoxiao stretched out his hand and ruined his fake face. The terrible method of worms covered her cheeks and bit by bit, eating her face, but suddenly she was relieved and hooked up.
"Brother Xiaoxiao came to see you and gave me everything back to you-"Duan Xiaoxiao said with physical strength, a sword punctured his heart and finally died coldly …
The emperor’s landing slowly closed his eyes and went to sleep. He will accompany her soon.
Duan Xiaoxiao died tragically in this way, and her deepest lament declared her regret. I hope she won’t go the wrong way again in a reincarnation, even if she is wrong, she will turn back early.
Duan Xiaoxiao is dead, and the mastermind technique has failed.
Huang Junyi held Ziyun proudly, and there was a red bruise on her neck.
There is no sign of red chaos
Just now Ziyun proudly thought that she was not a red spirit! Otherwise, if she talks about it, she can’t avoid it. Even if she is stabbed, she will be as painful as a million arrows and as painful as purgatory. She can’t be indifferent!
I cann’t believe it’s not a red ghost! ?
They woke up-
Seeing a scene is more surprising than …
I don’t know what happened
Empress Xiao Fei and Taidian were pierced by the same sword. Taidian is dying at the moment …
Killed someone-
Is it the rebellion of the Six Kings? ?
Everyone panicked and was at a loss.
"Ahem … Ahem …" King’s Landing coughed up. "You … everyone listen to me … today’s events were caused by Empress Xiaofei …"
King’s Landing labored to say, "Six Kings and Six Princesses are bent on saving the temple. You must not have second thoughts on them …"
Everyone looked at King’s Landing in amazement, including Ziyun Ao. Why did he suddenly say these words? ?
"Is XiaoFei empress was a bitch incredibly want to rebellion! ! !” Someone yelled angrily.
There are also insiders who are completely stunned by Taidian. Planning to kill six kings today? Unexpectedly, the situation suddenly reversed? If he does this, does it mean that they should not attack the Six Kings! ?
"Come on, save the temple! Chapter 915 I saved you, didn’t I?
The King’s Landing did not move. He said that every sentence was very difficult, but he could barely continue. "You all give in and be quiet-"
This is the first time that other people except Taiyi Party feel that the aura of King’s Landing is so powerful, although the sound is not loud, it makes the venue quiet.
"The temple has something to tell you." The emperor looked at Ziyun proudly in King’s Landing. "Can you come here? Come closer to me. "
Ziyun proudly hesitated for a while and finally went to the King’s Landing.
Just now, he kept drinking as if he didn’t care what happened to people here. Ziyun proudly didn’t expect him to do this at the critical moment …