Ji Dong didn’t good the spirit way "you when this is white water! As soon as I send more than 100 bottles to my companions in Yin and Yang School, I won’t stab you much. Frankly speaking, senior brother, it’s not a big place for you to have this magic skill. I can brand it as a benchmark skill, even a double benchmark skill combination can be equivalent to an ordinary killer skill. Do you have an axe of thunder prison? "
Frey laughed. "That’s different. Who doesn’t run out of magic? You’re right. This thing can save lives. Wait here. I’ll call everyone right now. Do you know any younger brothers and sisters who have joined the Yin and Yang School?"
Acquaintances? Ji Dong didn’t wait for him to ask Fury that he had jumped out. Looking at Fury’s departure, Ji Dong found that the gap between himself and his brother had really narrowed. It wasn’t the strength that the brother was no longer as full of emotions as before when he spoke to himself, but more like communicating with a partner who could trust each other. This doubt represented Fury’s recognition of him, which was also the direction that Ji Dong had been working hard for.
"Master, give me a few bottles of magic wine, too." Cloud cat opened his eyes and said to Ji Dong.
Ji Dong said, "Didn’t we agree that you should stay in Fen camp and wait for you? A new generation of secrets has paid the price for the tooth guide to have the ability of magic division." How can I let you take risks? "
Cloud cat said, "Master, have you forgotten that seven years ago, I once said that the life of Houyun cat is you, and we are good at seeking good fortune and avoiding evil, although we have no real base ability. We also have some self-protection ability, and it is still no problem to add your magic skills to the battlefield. I will definitely find your position and meet you at the first time."
Ji Dong sank, "No, I can’t let you take risks. The battlefield in San Wu is no joke. The situation in it is changing rapidly, even if you have the ability to predict the future, it is just as dangerous." Master, do you know what the last word left me before the teacher died? "
Ji Dong leng in my mind can’t help but recall the scene before the death of a generation of cat. After explaining those things to himself, he seems to have said something to the cloud cat. What is the lip humming, but he didn’t say the sound. Ji Dong saw that he should have said a word, and the cat just looked at himself sadly and died.
"The teacher said that I followed the holy king for a moment, and I could feel the teacher’s meaning at that time. He said that I had to follow you closely to help you in this holy and evil war, and it was the safest thing. This barracks is no good with thousands of troops. The master asked me to go."
Look at the cat in the sky eyes persistent Ji Dong frowned gradually stretch "good but you must always be careful" as he pulled out ten bottles of magic! 9 gave the cat to the cloud and picked the life nucleus of the neck to hang the cat’s neck.
"Master, what are you …" Cloud cat was surprised to see Ji Dong.
Ji Dong smiled slightly. "I have promised to let you go. You have to listen to my arrangement. I have communicated with Maotai and Wuliangye through soul power. With them, I can rest assured of myself. I don’t think you need to worry. Since I am your two generations, the holy king is not so easy to have an accident, even if I meet the tenth order of Warcraft or the other saints, I can also get away."
Although he was a secret, it doesn’t mean that the secret doesn’t have ordinary feelings. He didn’t refuse again, but nodded his head and felt the huge vitality from the nucleus of life. His heart was warmer than the body stimulated by vitality.
Just then, there was a noisy footsteps outside, and Frey also picked up "Little Brother, everyone is here, so come out."
Ji Dong nodded to the cloud and turned out of the tent.
When he saw dozens of Yin and Yang cousins coming from their respective camps outside Frey’s tent, his eyes suddenly widened when he saw the unfamiliar faces in those Yin and Yang schools. Was it them?
The first thing that caught his attention was a young man with short red hair and a very strong figure, which was a little taller than Fury looked.
He looks as if he is going to be propped up by his explosive muscles. His resolute face reveals strength and confidence. If you don’t deliberately feel it, you can find that he is as hot as the sun. It seems that he will attack at any time. These are not the reasons that attract Ji Dong. What really attracts him is that familiar face and burning eyes.
"Are you Carl?" Ji Dong strode forward to the young man who was nearly a head taller than himself.
The young man ha ha a smile patted the slender face like a crown jade handsome young man next to a few "look at me and I will say that the boss won’t forget our boss, isn’t it me?" He said that he had opened his arms to Ji Dong.
Ji Dong gave each other a big hug with the same arm. He didn’t expect to see Carl in the sequence of Yin and Yang School.
After hugging Carl, Ji Dong’s eyes immediately fell on Carl’s shoulder. Compared with Carl, this young man feels more dangerous, feminine, handsome and smart. All this is so familiar.
Bi Su looked miserable. "Boss, you made me lose to Carl’s family and have a fourth-order C-fire crystal nucleus. Should this be up to you?" His face looks painful, but the joy in his eyes is a disguise.
"Cut the crap" Ji Dong also gave him a big hug and another arm to pull Carl over for how many years? The three brothers haven’t been reunited since Ji Dong left Tiangan College. I didn’t expect to meet here again today.
"When will we learn from each other in Ji Dong?" When a somewhat low-pitched woman came to Ji Dong from the side, she saw that slender girl who looked unfamiliar and familiar was staring at herself.
This girl has a handsome appearance, but she has a short hair very similar to Carl’s. She is almost as tall as Pisu and Ji Dong, and she is definitely rare among girls.
"Are you Zhugui?" Ji Dong has recognized this girl. Compared with those years, the three partners he knew from the Fire College have changed dramatically. If it is not the outline, you can still vaguely see some of them, and their eyes are eager to move. I really dare not recognize them
Wish to finally smiled "? When will you learn from me? "
Ji Dong also smiled. "I still remember how much we envied you when you were already a five-level apprentice from the Fire College, but now you are probably not my opponent."
Zhu Gui snorted, "I knew you were no match when you joined the Yin and Yang School, but that doesn’t mean I can’t learn from you. I have joined the Yin and Yang School now, and I will definitely meet you one day."
Carl leaned in from the side. Hey, hey, a smile. "The eldest brother is small and reversible. It’s your sister in law."
Ji Dong surprised to look at Carl "Carl you can do it! You finished Zhu Gui?
Carl quickly shook his head. "No, no, I didn’t. It’s Bisu.
This time, she really shook her head and looked at it. She looked a little coy and shouted in her heart for a while.
It is good that Zhu Gui and Bi Su belong to yin and yang fire, but both of them can be said to be anti-cross-linked. Their temperament is so strong that Xiao Gui can be with some feminine Bi Su, which is really beyond his expectation.
Bi Su wry smile way "boss, you don’t look at me like that"
It’s a new week, friends. Vote your recommended votes and monthly tickets for Xiaosan. Now you are pregnant. I believe you already have a second monthly ticket. Don’t hesitate to smash it and refine it. The conference has welcomed everyone to speak more and make the essence of Xiaosan return big. Chapter 293 Shenhuo Shengwang Armored.
"Small to real also has a gentle side is that you haven’t seen it," explained Bi Su, blushing a little.
Next to Carl, he murmured, "It’s good to never see it, and I don’t know who it is. It’s really sad for a man to be chased and beaten a few days ago."
"Do you want to die?" Zhu Gui and Bi Su said almost with different mouths.
Looking at them, Ji Dong couldn’t help but smile, "Who can tell me what’s going on?"
Carl cheerfully flash behind Ji Dong "I’ll let me boss you don’t know how good luck BiSu! We went to a tourist resort next to Zhongyuan City to relax and have a holiday. I went hunting. He had to go to a small lake to swim naked, but at the same time, he met a swimmer. The most tragic thing was that he was given rules. Poor Bisu was beaten by Xiaogui. After that, Xiaogui said something to him, and they got together. "Speaking of this, he learned Xiaogui to say," You bastard, you must be responsible for me or I will castrate you now. "
Although the drow is tall, it is vivid to learn to wish to return to the sample. His voice did not fall. Wish to return and Bi Su have rushed to Ji Dong at the same time. Ha ha a smile and quickly stopped them and laughed. "This is also a kind of fate."
Bishop glared at Carl. "Carl, you’re dead. You wait."